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अन्तरवार्ता निस्तार पत्रिका

बि. पी. खनाल नेपाली पत्रकारिता, लेखन तथा धार्मिक स्वतन्त्रता अभियानको क्षेत्रमा परिचित नाम हो । ब्राम्हण परिवारमा ४६ वर्षअघि जन्मिएका

Recent Interview to Mahapratibad Weekly with Gideon Lamichhane

बि.पी. खनाल २०२५ साल भदौ ३ गते बाहुनी बजार, मोरङमा बुवा हरिप्रसाद खनाल र आमा सरस्वता खनालको कोखबाट जन्मनु भएको


In the preface article to his commentary of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans Martin Luther basically emphasizes on

My Home Church in Nepal

Our Church, The Lord’s Assembly in Kathmandu has involved in various sectors of services like Children educational ministry, Women and

Know about me

Here is who people may agree to say I am: 1.    Family background – Born in high caste Hindu brahmin family,